While federal agencies are reviewing grant awards, we are proceeding with recruitment for grant-funded positions as specified in our current award contracts. We are continuing with planned selection processes, though we must note that all positions dependent on federal funding could be subject to change. The Grants Office and campus partners are actively monitoring the situation and will provide updates as they become available.
Welcome to the Keck Geology Consortium
The Keck Geology Consortium consists of twelve liberal arts colleges focused on enriching undergraduate education through the development of high-quality research experiences. Each summer, with support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Consortium offers a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program to engage undergraduate students in four- to five-week field and laboratory research projects in the earth sciences. Advanced students continue their summer research projects during the following academic year using cutting-edge laboratory techniques. All students are encouraged to participate in a professional conference. The Keck Geology Consortium is currently administered through Macalester College.
Funding for this REU site is provided by the National Science Foundation’s Division of Earth Sciences, located in Alexandria, VA, to the Keck Geology Consortium (NSF-REU Award No. 1659322 and 2050697).
Important Info
Flyer for 2025-26 Projects
Application for 2025 Programs
17 Feb: Applications due
15 Mar: Acceptance letters sent
Keck Program Blog
The goals of this blog are (1) to raise the visibility of Keck Geology Consortium programs, (2) to provide Keck research projects with a venue for communicating the process and results of science, and (3) to foster student learning about communicating science to the general public. We invite contributions to the blog from project students, faculty and staff. Submissions will undergo brief review before posting.
The Adventure Continues
In order to understand how earthquakes propagate and fractures form in rocks, geologists like us analyze these features in the field.
The Adventure Begins
The big day is here! Over the next 4 weeks, the Keck Utah research crew will keep you updated with our research exploits in the field and in the lab.
Catalina Gateway Project Fall Update
Each of the three teams submitted an abstract to the fall national meeting of the American Geophysical union, and will present their results in Washington D.C. this December.
Utah Project Featured on Texas Public Radio
An article about the use drones by a Keck project to study the Sevier fault was recently featured on Texas Public Radio…
2018 Keck Projects Head To Field
Thirty-seven students and ten faculty directors have embarked on six different projects…