Investigating linkages between geologic histories, eolian dust production, and climate change What: Increased drought frequency and severity combined with vegetation change is increasing dust emissions, which in turn affects snowmelt, groundwater, and nutrient...
Anthropocene environmental change in Glacier National Park, Montana What: This Gateway project utilizes the remote and relatively pristine landscape of Glacier National Park (GNP), Montana as a natural laboratory for understanding the impacts of climate change, both...
A synoptic survey of springs in the Driftless Area of Minnesota to identify spatial patterns in groundwater quality What: This Gateway Project will introduce students to karst geology and hydrogeology in the Paleozoic bedrock landscape of the Driftless Area in...
Nature vs. Nurture at Coral Gardens Reef: A Rapid Response Investigation of Endangered Acropora sp. Corals in Belize What: This project seeks enthusiastic and diverse undergraduate researchers to join our investigation of how global environmental changes are impacting...