Southeast Alaska

This study will use a multi-disciplinary approach to unravel the depositional history of the Kootznahoo Formation in Southeast Alaska with a specific focus on the exhumation history of the Coast Mountains batholith (CMB), and how high latitudes (~57°N) recorded overall global cooling from the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) through the Eocene-Oligocene transition to the present icehouse state.

Archean Greenstone Belt, Canada

The Abitibi Greenstone Belt (AGB), and specifically the Blake River Group, affords us the relatively rare opportunity to study seafloor volcanic and hydrothermal processes in an area that is both accessible and has a significant thickness of exposed extrusive pile. We plan to study mafic volcanic rocks of the AGB that were erupted as part of an ancient Archean seafloor sequence. Our proposed detailed mapping, physical properties, geochemical, and petrographic studies will contribute to the geologic understanding of seafloor volcanic and hydrothermal processes within the context of modern ocean crustal processes and provide us with a better understanding of how hydrothermal fluid flow patterns may have operated early in Earth’s history.

Boulder Creek Catchment, Colorado

This project will join a large interdisciplinary study (Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory: Weathered profile development in a rocky environment and its influence on watershed hydrology and biogeochemistry—NSF 0724960) directed by Suzanne Anderson, University of Colorado and Institute for Arctic and Alpine Studies (INSTAAR). The “observatory” will consist of 3 small, instrumented sites in the Boulder Creek basin: (1) a steep alpine area in the Boulder watershed; (2) a forested, mid-elevation catchment developed in deeply weathered materials, and (3) a steep, lower-elevation basin where surficial deposits are of variable thickness.

Western Mongolia

The Deluun Range is flanked on its western side by the Tolbo Nuur Fault, which exhibits evidence for both recent right-lateral strike-slip and thrust rupture, but has never been studied beyond a reconnaissance level (Baljinnyam et al., 1993). The Mongolian Altai is the largest glaciated area in Mongolia (Lehmkuhl, 1998), and the Deluun range supports retreating glaciers that provide runoff critical to local peoples and endemic species. This project will examine the neotectonics, geomorphology, and paleoecology – climatology of this geologically fascinating area.

Adirondack Lowlands

This project will be an integrated structural and metamorphic study that will focus on two high-grade fault zones in the Adirondack portion of the Grenville Province, with a focus on dating deformation, determining shearing conditions within the zone, and identifying discontinuities across the boundaries.

Matanuska Valley, Alaska

This project aims to expose students to methods of paleobiological and historical analysis on a fluvio-lacustrine early Tertiary basin in south-central Alaska. The summer program will consist entirely of fieldwork, with the expectation that some laboratory analyses will be carried out through the academic year 2008-2009.

Block Island, Rhode Island

Block Island offers unequalled opportunities for integrative research in earth and environmental sciences: within its modest perimeter we can study rates of recent sea level rise and anthropogenic pollution within the framework of climate and environmental changes over centuries to thousands of years,with even a peek into the past a hundred million years ago.

Poggio Colla, Italy

Our geoarchaeology project will coordinate with and support the larger goals of the Mugello Valley Archaeological Project and Poggio Colla Field School. These endeavors combine excavation, intra-site archaeological spatial sampling, and archaeometry as part of an interdisciplinary regional landscape analysis of the Etruscan site of Poggio Colla and the surrounding area. The project seeks to contribute significantly to understanding of the Etruscan culture, which inhabited central Italy in the first millennium BCE, coinciding with the early Iron Age. A long-term goal of the MVAP is an interdisciplinary regional landscape analysis of the area around Poggio Colla.