Bugging out in Glacier National Park

Bugging out in Glacier National Park

My first day in the field, I felt a bit like a moth in the daytime. Surrounded by unfamiliar sights, sounds, and creatures (fellow Keck students included), I felt completely out of my element and like I was being pulled in every direction possible.

Aura Reading in Glacier National Park

Aura Reading in Glacier National Park

Have you ever been 20 feet away from a 500 pound grizzly bear? Have you seen the whites of its eyes as it charges at you with the speed of a car? Did you feel the slow trickle of pee go down your leg as you stood there, frozen still? Me neither!!

Coral Reefs in Belize

Coral Reefs in Belize

Nature vs. Nurture at Coral Gardens Reef: A Rapid Response Investigation of Endangered Acropora sp. Corals in Belize What: This project seeks enthusiastic and diverse undergraduate researchers to join our investigation of how global environmental changes are impacting...