The Keck Geology Consortium
Cathy Manduca
The Keck Geology Consortium
William T. Fox, Williams College
The Garden of the Gods and Basal Phanerozoic Nonconformity in and near Colorado Springs, Colorado
Jeffrey B. Noblett, Colorado College
Andew S. Cohen, Colorado College
Eric M. Leonard, Colorado College
Bruce M. Loeffler, Colorado College
Debra A. Gevirtzman, Colorado College
Bahamas Project
- San Salvador Island, Bahamas: a Natural Laboratory for the Study of Carbonate Sediments and Rocks-Part II. H. Allen Curran, Smith College; Brain White, Smith College; Roger D.K. Thomas, Franklin & Marshall College
- Marine Bioerosion and Community Organization on Carbonate Hard Substrates of San Salvador Island, the Bahamas. Celinda E. M. Brandt, College of Wooster
- Paleoecological Significance of Size-Frequency Distributions of Shells of Arcoid Bivalves from Modern Sediments of San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Lorrin Ferdinand, Franklin & Marshall College
- Fossil Molluscan Assemblages and Paleodepositional Environments of Quarry “A,” San Salvador, Bahamas. Nardos Fessaha, Smith College
- Marine Boring of Carbonate Hard Substrates on San Salvador Island, the Bahamas. Terry D. Lahm, the College of Wooster
- Patterns of Carbonate Sediment Production and Distribution on Patch Reefs in San Salvador, Bahamas. Elizabeth C. Marrack, Williams College
- Lucinid Shell Distributions and their Use in the Recognition of Distinct Tahphofaces, San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Thomas Olszewski, Franklin & Marshall College
- Halimeda Species Distribution and Sediment Contribution in Shallow-Water Marine Environments of San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Shannon M. Parsons, Beloit College
- Effects of Sea Level Rise on the Diagenesis of Quaternary Carbonate Eolianites of San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Kathleen White, Smith College
Colorado Project
- Investigations of the Proterozoic Geology of Central Colorado. Shelby J. Boardman, Colorado College; Reinhard A. Wobus, Williams College
- Petrology and Geochemistry of a Proterozoic Metadiorite from Little Cochetopa Creek, Central Colorado. Sarah Gramlich, Colorado College
- Proterozoic Metamorphic Conditions of Central Colorado: Pressure and Temperature Constraints from Thermometry and Pelitic Mineral Assemblages. Kimberly A. Hannula, Carleton College
- Petrology and Geochemistry of the Ptarmigan Basin Pluton, Chaffee County, Colorado. Karin L. Johnson, Williams College
- Xenolths of the Ptarmigan Lake Pluton, Buena Vista, Colorado. Rebecca K. Mellinger, the College of Wooster
- A Petrologic and Geochemical Analysis of the Mica Schists of the Ptarmigin Lake Area, Central Colorado. Matthew W. Owens, the College of Wooster
- The Geochemistry and Petrology of the Ptarmigan Lake, Colorado. Stephanie E. Pulaski, Franklin & Marshall College
- A Geochemical Analysis of Mafic Rocks around Salida, Colorado. Keith S. Schembs, Whitman College
- Early to Mid-Proterozoic Volcaniclastic Sediments, Tuffaceous Flows, and Basaltic Komatiite Flows from the Cochtopa Accretionary Terrane, Little Cochetopa Creek, Central Colorado. Margaret W. Staub, Colorado College
Montana Project
- Early Paleocene Fluvial Sedimentology, Paleobotany, and Paleomagnetism. Edward S. Belt, Amherst College
- A Magnetic Susceptibility Study of the Fort Union Formation, Western Williston Basin, Southeastern Montana. Dan McCarthy, Franklin & Marshall College
- Petrographic Analysis of the Tullock Member of the Paleocene Fort Union Formation in the Powder River Basin, Southeastern Montana. Genga T. Nadaraju, the College of Wooster
- A Paleomagnetic Study of Clinkers from the Williston Basin, Southeastern Montana. David F. Parse, Jr., Franklin & Marshall College
- Regional Correlation of the Carbonaceous Shale and Lignite Coal Deposits, Lower Lebo Member, Fort Union Formation (Paleocene), Southeastern Montana. Susan E.H. Sakimoto, Whitman College
- Deposition Environments and Possible Source Areas for the Fort Union Formation, Southeasern Montana. Sharon Stern, Carleton College
- A Comparison of Leaf Fossils from Upper Lebo and Lower Tongue River Members of the Fort Union Formation (Paleocene) Near Locate, Southeastern Montana. Valerie Tamm, Amherst College
Massachusetts Project
- Delineation of Aquifer Geometries, Connecticut Valley, Massachusetts, Using Geophysical Techniques. H. Robert Burger, Smith College
- A Geophysical Study of Water Table Elevations, Great Pond Area, Hatfield, Massachusetts. Robert A. Andrews, the College of Wooster
- Shallow Seismic Reflection as Applied to Ground Water Surveys. Rowland Cromwell, Carleton College
- An Investigation of Two Seismic Techniques: Refraction and Reflection in the Shallow Subsurface of the Connecticut River Valley, Massachusetts. Lawrence D. Meckel, III, Williams College
- Applied Geophysical Study of the Connecticut River Floodplain near Northampton, Massachusetts. Todd M. Reichart, Franklin & Marshall College
- The Connecticut Valley Seismic and Resistivity Study. Sis Tiernan, Smith College
Minnesota-Canada Project
- Geology of Archaen Rocks, Basswood Lake – Crooked Lake Region, Northern Minnesota – Southern Canada. Henry H. Woodard and Stephen G. Weaver, Beloit College
- Petrology and Structure along the Basswood Trace of the Burntside Lake Fault Zone: a Study of Two Faults in Basswood Lake. Stina Booth, Whitman College
- The Burntside Lake Fault Zone: a Study of Two Faults in Basswood Lake. Karen Ruth Font, Smith College
- Petrographic and Structural Interpretation of Displcement Along the Burntside Lake Fault Zone, Basswood Lake Area, Northern Minnesota. Gerald “Chip” W. Johnson, Beloit College
- Petrography and Geochemistry of Metamorphic Rocks Along the Southeast Block, Pipestone Trace, Burtnside Lake Fault Zone, Boundary Waters Canoe Area, Northern Minnesota. Timothy I. Metz, Colorado College
- Fracture Analysis of the Pipestone Trace, Boundary Waters Canoe Wilderness Area, Minnesota. Lora Stevens, Pomona College
- Aerial Photo Lineament Analysis of a Portion of the Burntside Lake Fault Zone, Boundary Waters Canoe Area Northern Minnesota, and Quetico Provincial Park, Southern Ontario. Charles W. Tremper, Beloit College
Minnesota Project
- The Influecne of Lithology on the Color and Quality of Surface Waters along the Northern Minnesota-Ontario Border: a Test of a Hypothesis. Richard C. Stenstrom, Beloit College
- Trophic Relationships in Lake Waters of the Northern Minnesota/Southern Canada Boundary Region. Rani M. Arbo, Amhert College
- Classic Sediment Elemental Chemistry Determinatio Nusing X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry. Cathy Inman, Carleton College
- A Comparative Study of Juxtaposed Lake Systems Underlain by Differing Bedrock along the Minnesota-Ontario Border. Eric H. Miller, Amherst College
- Chemistry and Organic Productivity in Lakes of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness – Quetico Provincial Park, Minnesota – Ontario. Benjamin M. Morris, Williams College
- The Lithological Influence Upon Lake Chemistry in the Crooked Lake Region of Northern Minnesota and Southern Ontario . David A. Nemetz, Beloit College
- Chemical, Physical and Biological Impacts on Sandpit Lake in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Sonja Wolter, Carleton College
Vermont Project
- Metamorphism in the Chester and Athens Domes, Southeastern Vermont. Paul Karabinos, Williams College
- Kinetics of Crystal Size Variation in Regionally Metamorphosed Rocks from Rockways Mills, Vermont. Neena Bashir, Amherst College
- Geochemistry and Tectonic Origin of the Barnard and Shaw Amphibiolites, Vermont. Williams Carroll, Colorado College
- Metamorphism and Geothermobarometry of High-Alumina Hoosac and Pinney Hollow Formation Schists in He Star Hill Sigmoid, Chester Dome, Vermont. James L. Crowley, Amhest College
- Geochemical Characterization of the Acadian Orogeny in the Chester Dome Region, Vermont. Joel Davidow, Amherst College
- Compositional Variations in the White Micas of the Bull Hill Augen Gneiss, the Chester and Athens Domes, Vermont. Eileen Heady, Beloit College
- The Bull Hill Gneiss: Field, Petrographic and Chemical Characteristics of a Proterozoic Augen Gneiss in Southeastern Vermont. Mark Meagher, Williams College
- Polymetamorphism in the Cavendish Outlier, Chester Dome, Vermont. Stephen M. Ritz, Williams College
- The Nature of the Albite Porphyroblasts in the Hoosac Schist, Chester Dome, Vermont. Libby Stern, Pomoma College